You will do things for your family that you would not do for any one else. Just a few moments ago, I was in my car on the way to South Carolina to visit a photographer and see his new studio when the cell phone rings. It is the youngest child of my brother. My nice Erica. She has one of those cushy jobs at a bank where they will loan you money for your dreams and then feed you laxatives and prune juice before you go to bed so that those dreams will never be quite what you thought they would be. I think she is the manager of the customer relations department which explains why she has nothing to do at work but to sit with her friends in the big cushy office and surf the web and look at my blog.
So Erica says, "I was sure that you would have posted the photos that you took of my son at Christmas while we were all down at your house." Yeah, Like I haven't posted anything in over a month, but she was sure that I must have woken up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night and said to myself " I MUST GET UP RIGHT NOW AND POST A PHOTO OF MY NIECE"S SON IN THOSE GAY LOOKING PANTS UP ON MY BLOG !!!!! "
But I didn't.
SO just for you kid because you know I just love you to death. Here is the photo you asked for.
Now if you had just called and said: "Hey Uncle Scott, would you put a photo of Cooper on your blog so my friends at work can see it ?" I would have done so right away. But since you added "And don't put any of those snide comments on it like you do everything else" to your request, I had to write what I was really thinking. And why do you not have any wallet sized photos in your purse. Or one of the larger prints on your desk. I'll bet you husband has one on his desk. I gave you 15 of them before you left at Christmas. You know,the ones that I made in my office while y'all were all in my living room watching football and drinking wine. I would have been in there with you , but no one plays baseball on Christmas. It is a much more noble game. The smaller the ball, the smarter the athlete. And golf is not a sport.
Call me .