Today I had to do some business stuff. (It has to do with my Instructional Videos) and then
Garen and I went to eat and then drove along the Mississippi and Alabama coast. New Orleans was a dump. Almost 2 years after Katrina and there were still blue tarps and tons of junk. MANY abandoned apartment complexes and businesses. The 9
th ward is still in very bad shape. In contrast, in Gulf Port and
Biloxi Mississippi, where the
hurricane actually came on land, rebuilding is everywhere. There are still places where it is just a slab of
concrete where a house or bank used to be. A lot of times, the sign for a business was still standing, but the building was gone. Washed away with the storm surge and wind. It was raining all day so I did not take to many photos. Still had to feed
Garen . The photo is from downtown New Orleans with his gumbo. I will be photographing the US Navy Blue Angels tomorrow morning so I have to call it a night. Those guys get up early. The photo of the jet was
Garens idea. It is really on a stand at the
Florida welcome center on hwy 10. A little
photoshop work and the stand was gone and flames were coming out of the engine . We do the real thing tomorrow.