Thursday, June 21, 2007

I am out of contact until Monday

This morning was so cool. My customer was Boeing. I got to go places that I would have never been able to go. My subject was the US Navy Blue Angels. The photos go to Boeing, but I kept a few for my self. After the shoot early this morning, Garen got to meet the pilots and had them sign his shirt. Work is all done now. Tomorrow, we start a baseball tournament.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

New Orleans to Pensacola

Today I had to do some business stuff. (It has to do with my Instructional Videos) and then Garen and I went to eat and then drove along the Mississippi and Alabama coast. New Orleans was a dump. Almost 2 years after Katrina and there were still blue tarps and tons of junk. MANY abandoned apartment complexes and businesses. The 9th ward is still in very bad shape. In contrast, in Gulf Port and Biloxi Mississippi, where the hurricane actually came on land, rebuilding is everywhere. There are still places where it is just a slab of concrete where a house or bank used to be. A lot of times, the sign for a business was still standing, but the building was gone. Washed away with the storm surge and wind. It was raining all day so I did not take to many photos. Still had to feed Garen . The photo is from downtown New Orleans with his gumbo. I will be photographing the US Navy Blue Angels tomorrow morning so I have to call it a night. Those guys get up early. The photo of the jet was Garens idea. It is really on a stand at the Florida welcome center on hwy 10. A little photoshop work and the stand was gone and flames were coming out of the engine . We do the real thing tomorrow.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Must Feed Kid

The only problem with taking one of your children along on a road trip is you have to feed them. I will be out of town doing a little business and adding a little fun along the way. Tonight we are in Mobile, Al and then on to New Orleans tomorrow. This photo is of Garen beating that damn golf tee jumping triangle game at Cracker Barrel. He beat it. I won't tell you how I did. I will post more from the road.

Monday, June 11, 2007


I have not done the "Everybody Jump Up In The Air" shot since around oh maybe 1992. A lot of people do it today but I always try not to do what everyone else is doing. I was doing a lot of the so called "New Journalistic" photos 20 years ago. I like to think of my work now as a blend of all styles. I am an all digital photographer these days. But I still remember the 20 years that I shot film every weekend. I went digital for my weddings in 2000 and since then I have been able to produce on paper what I see in my head when I take photographs a lot easier than I could back in the days of the custom darkroom.
These photos are from Saturdays wedding. Scroll to the bottom to see the before version of the car. I had to do a complete "Tuck and Roll" job on the seats upholstery. There was a driver sitting in the front seat. And blank white walls are full of color if you know how to look for it. I show you how in my DVD sets. See to order. ( I have to throw in the plug because I just replinished my stock of instructional videos with 100 more sets)
One more thing. This wedding had the best party band I have heard in a long time. The Coconut Groove Band from North Carolina can be found at My favorite Atlanta band is still The Neons but these guys in the Coconut Groove Band just blew me away

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Thank You All

This week I sent out an e mail to about 3000 photographers on my mailing list asking for some help in finding a replacement fish eye lens. I wanted to try to buy a lens from one of my blog readers before I tried e bay or out of town camera stores. I got WAY more response than I thought I would. People were searching E Bay, calling camera stores, getting prices and then e mailing me or calling me personally. This is what it is all about people. Photographers helping other photographers. Now no one wanted to give up their personal fisheye lens, but I did order one from a very small camera store in Ohio.
But here is the neat thing. Chip McGrath, owner of ( A new up and coming wedding planning site) called and offered me his lens for the weekend. What a cool guy.
Below is a photo I shot with it today.
I am off to bed, I have another wedding tomorrow on Sunday. I hope you enjoy the 2 photos from tonight's wedding in Athens, GA.