Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Old Stuff Can Be New Stuff

Yesterday it was raining here for a while in the afternoon. So instead of working on the continuing clean up in my yard from the storm damage, I started poking around in some of my old files looking for some photos that were my favorites a few years back. When I came upon this one I remembered how I had wanted to take this photo for about 5 years but never had a wedding couple and a Pickett fence that were both willing at the same time. I remember that it was about to rain when this was taken. I added the painting effect with Corel Painter and Photoshop.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I Have a Date with a Chainsaw

Yesterday afternoon, after I shot a small local morning wedding. I went to have a late lunch at the restaurant across the lake. It is only a mile if I walk from the house so sometimes I do that. The temp was only around 90 and the wind was blowing so it was no big deal to walk.

While I was eating and having a few cold ones on the deck outside, my cell phone rang and it was one of my brides calling with some changes she wanted to make to her album that I had posted on line for her to see. I told her that I would go home and do them and send her a proof in a few hours. So I left lunch early and walked on home to start on the 3 changes that she wanted. Now if she had not called, I would have had desert and another beer and then walked home 15 min later. It takes about 20 min to walk home and as I walked up my driveway, the wind started to pick up and I felt a very cold rush of air. Within the next 2 minuets I lost 8 trees in my backyard . My garage was filled with limbs and parts of lawn furniture and several windows were smashed. If my bride had not called, I would have been walking home in all of that. And from seeing all of the damage along the trail I used to get home. I might not have made it. Thanks for the call Mary Ann.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

This Weekends Wedding

I had only one wedding this weekend and that is fine with me because of the HEAT.
This week it was in Montgomery, Alabama at a beautiful church in the old money section of town. The bride and bridesmaids were all from old south society and veterans of many debutant balls. And every single one of them was absolutely beautiful. (Hey, I'm a guy. I notice stuff like this.) Anyway it was 109 degrees in the shade. See the photo of the thermometer on the mirror of my truck. All was going just fine until the electricity, (that runs air conditioning and lights) went out at the church 20 min before the wedding and stayed out the whole time.
No problem. I did not freak out like everyone else was doing. Just a few minor changes to my cameras settings and all turned out fine. I always bring a studio light for the family alter shots. The lights plug into a special power pack that does not need to be plugged into the wall. So all went well for me. See the photos below. The first inside shot of the church is with the lights on. All others are after the power went off.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

A Few More from Saturday

Lets set the stage. Atlanta. August. Temp is 101. Humidity around 90%. Put on a suit and tie and go take some photos outdoors.

Scroll to the bottom of this post to see two photos that I combined to get the shot I had in my head when I took it. You have to take both photos exposed differently intentionally in order to make it work. It was not a simple "Cut and Paste" job as the tones were different and there was no real detail in the evening sky. Making the sky blend smoothly was the most difficult part.
I will put this bottom photo on my next Instructional video and show how it was done. I will do the sign on the rock wall thing also. I am not finished with the sign photo yet but wanted to post it anyway.

One more thing, I decided to name the photo on the swing "Play Mate, Soul Mate" Is that to cheesy or does it work? Comments please. And don't e mail me, actually post a comment. It is not that hard people.

And one more thing. You two in Antigua. Quit looking at this blog and get back to honeymooning !

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Yipeeeee !

This photo shows how happy I was to get home from today's wedding. This little girl was the flower girl and she just LOVED playing in the flowers ! Beautiful kid .

It was so hot today. It was in the 90s all day and someone said it hit 100 degrees. The wedding was out side and was really beautiful. My couple were smart and had ice water in big tubs for the guests when they arrived.
I had a lot of water but the sweat was just pouring out of me. I checked when I got home and I lost 7 pounds today. I have another one tomorrow, outside. So I am off to bed. I will post more photos from today's wedding in the next day or two.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Last Night at the Braves Game

There are times when being "Dad" feels unappreciated. I am in my 40's and my kids are in their teens. We went to the Atlanta Braves game last night and this time my kids and friends did not want me to sit with them. I am just to old and say stupid stuff. So this photo was taken just for the teen aged boys that went to the game with us last night.

Sometimes it pays to sit with dad ! Dumb Asses !