Tuesday, July 29, 2008

More Seniors

This was a very full day. I got to the studio at 8:30 this morning and left at 9:30 tonight. During that time I photographed 25 corporate head shots and designed matching security ID cards for those head shots then printed them. Knocked out 2 photo restoration jobs, Booked 1800.00 worth of new work and then did two senior photo sessions starting at 4 and 6m. These photos are from the senior sessions. All sessions are photographed in my studio or the alley behind he studio. I am getting bored with the alley and am looking for new locations within walking distance of the shop. I have a few locations in mind and will post photos from them when I shoot them.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Wedding School

Wedding School is will be going on soon, just 4 weeks to go. I have 7 spaces left open. If you want to check out the info go to my other web site at http://www.imagedoctor.com/ and see "Workshops and Classes" Also, Next week on Thursday I will be giving my Photoshop Basics class from 7-10 at my shop in McDonough, Ga. The two photos are of Taylor. She has agreed to be the bride model at Wedding School.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I have been photographing high school seniors all week. It has been very time consuming but I have really enjoyed it. So far 10 out of the 24 that I have contracted for have come to the studio and had their formal cap and gown photos made and 5 have done extra sessions. All sessions were shot in the alley behind the studio.
These photos are from 3 of them.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Classes, Workshops and New Web Site

I have just finalized the dates for the Wedding School 2 and 3 day Workshops and 1 night classes. I have also re made the http://www.imagedoctor.com/ web site please check it out. There is tons of new stuff and I will be adding a lot more. All info about the classes is there as well as a link to buy tickets. I figured I would announce all this on the blog first, and on Monday I will mass email all those on my mailing list. So, readers of my blog. Please check out the new site and tell me where the mistakes are. I know that some links are not active. I have not converted the files that the links go to to PDFs yet. I hope all is well. I am falling asleep at the keyboard so it is off to bed for me. Please send any feed back to scott@imagedoctor.com Thanks everyone for reading.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th of July and Win a Hat

I hope everyone had a safe 4th of July. For those of you out side the USA, the 4th of July is a national holiday celebrating our declaration of Independence from England over 200 years ago.

I celebrated as usual. I was working. I opened the shop for some special customers at 10 am and then went home and found friends sitting on my dock having their own 4th of July celebration. I guess they were going to invite me to the party if I showed up. ( At my own house) Anyway, I hung around a little while and then went back to the shop to open up for our annual "Ice Cream Social" on the town square at 7pm.
There were a lot of people there and several of them found their way into the shop. I met a nice couple that are opening up a photography studio a few miles away and we had a nice chat.
I went back to my house and the party had disappeared, so I sat on my deck and waited for the locals to shoot fireworks off the dam at the lake where I live.
Each year if I am home, when the locals start shooting fireworks, I bring out the Marshal Stack, plug in my Stratocaster and play the Star Spangled Banner in the Jimi Hendrix style. At a very high volume.
As I was warming up, two guys on a pontoon boat that had heard me playing tied up to my dock and walked up to the back deck . They had had a few. Anyway, one of them took the photo in this post of me playing. So, here is the "Win a Hat" part. The first person that e mails me and can tell me why their little point and shoot camera underexposed the photo of me playing my guitar will win an Image Doctor hat like the one I am wearing in the photo. (I have 3 left) You must include a mailing address in your e mail so I can send it to you. Send e mails to imagedoc0@gmail.com I lightened the second version of the photo by just doing a "Levels" adjustment.
While the fireworks were going on, the police showed up and ran everyone off. So I turned the volume up and played it again. Now my house is across the lake from the dam and it takes the police a few minuets to get to me. I am sure someone complained as they always do , so I turned off the lights and waited a few minuets. I know that my buddy Wes who is with the Henry county police was not one of the officers on duty as he would have known exactly which house to go to. Wes is a great photographer who I met when he attended one of my classes.