Monday, March 29, 2010


This is Emily. Her wedding was last weekend. If you looked up Smart, Funny, Silly and Hot Looking in the encyclopedia, you would get a 4 page article on Emily.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Just A Few

Just a few photos from today's wedding. I got home at 1 am.

This was what I call "One of My Weddings" They booked me without going threw an agent or event faculty. They paid full price with no questions asked and told me to design the album without any input from them. What they are going to get will be way beyond what they are expecting.
Just the facts babe.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Hawaii Wedding

As some of you may know, I am not just a wedding photographer, I am also a wedding minister. I got this call today from a young lady who said her parents had to get married. They have been together for over 20 years but never bothered to make it official. She wanted married parents !

But the mom said she would not get married unless it was on a beach in Hawaii. A trip for 3 to Hawaii was out of the picture so the daughter called around and got the marriage licence info for her parents and then went about finding a minister with a Hawaiian shirt and maybe a pool they could stand by. The daughter was given my name by a judge that said if anyone had a Hawaiian shirt it would be me. They came to my house this afternoon and I married them down by the lake.