Monday, October 25, 2010

New Product for my High School Seniors

I call this the POP Quad.
Inspired by a Beatles album cover, the Jimi Hendrix album I am listening to right now and that classic Kodak Tri-X overexposed heavy grain look I remember so much from when I was in High School.
This will be sold as a 32x32 in a black frame. No changes. It is what it is.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Way I Like A Wedding Album

Finally, someone gets it !
Not to diss any of my other couples out there who's wedding I have had the pleasure of photographing, but LauraAnn gets it. What is IT ?
It, is that a Wedding Album, Story Book, Collection or whatever else you want to call it to sound trendy, does not have to have 300 photos in it to feel like you got your moneys worth.
Laura Ann picked her photos for her wedding album yesterday and there are only about 40 of them. At first I thought that there was a page missing from the order form, but then I looked at her selections and I saw what she was trying to put together. What she was doing was creating a very artful collection of photographs that captured the EMOTION of the day rather than a documentary.

I just can not wait to start the design on this book. But that will have to wait until Tuesday, it is 1:30 am right now and I still have to open the shop at 10am and then a double header starting at 5 tomorrow and if they are winning, they will be playing on Sunday evening as well.

Photos are some of LauraAnn's picks.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wild Day

So today I had two High School Senior photo shoots. Both done just for fun because they were my son's friends. Brook dated Garen for a long time when they were 15 and 16 and Alex was a pitcher and a 3rd baseman on many of the baseball teams Garen played on over the years. Brook and my daughter are also friends, so I was very happy to be able to photograph these fine young adults with very bright years to come. As well as the Sr shoots, the former Miss Georgia came in and drooped off 21 VHS-C video tapes to be converted to DVD and several big Photo Restoration jobs came in .

Because of all of this, here I sit editing images in my office at home at midnight. My buddy Chip turned me on to Pandora Internet Radio about a year ago and I have downloaded the app for my desktop. You can make your own radio channel that only plays the kind of music you like. Tonight it is the Jimi Hendrix channel. My new workstation at home has the best bad ass speaker system I could find, and my end of the house is shaking! What a way to get the creative energy just a flowing. Photos are from today.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Very Busy

There has been just to much going on to even talk about it.
I finally took 1 day off and went to the air show last weekend.
But for a month before that, lets see
1) My son's drivers lic was suspended for getting two speeding tickets while under the age of 18. ( A new law here in Ga) so I have had to haul him around to all of the places that he has to go.

2)My daughter turned 20 so we had to do dinner and stuff.

3) I have shot 5 weddings

4) My photo restoration shop has exploded with new customers ( I attribute this to a big display that we hung in a local restaurant complete with adds on every table.)

5) My son was hit in the head by a foul ball line drive while sitting in the dugout at one of his baseball games.
Ambulance ride to the Trauma Center at Atlanta Medical Center (Conyers to Atlanta in 14min at 95mph) $932.00
Trauma Center Fee $3298.00
CT Brain Scan $ $150.00
Called his Mom (My former wife) to get her insurance card number because we changed the kids from my insurance to her insurance a few years ago because her insurance plan at her job was much better. Then being told that her rates went way up in January and she dropped the kids from her plan."I thought I told you" she says.

Doctor telling me that the scan looks good and he will be ok after a while. PRICELESS