There has been just to much going on to even talk about it.
I finally took 1 day off and went to the air show last weekend.
But for a month before that, lets see
1) My son's drivers lic was suspended for getting two speeding tickets while under the age of 18. ( A new law here in Ga) so I have had to haul him around to all of the places that he has to go.
2)My daughter turned 20 so we had to do dinner and stuff.
3) I have shot 5 weddings
4) My photo restoration shop has exploded with new customers ( I attribute this to a big display that we hung in a local restaurant complete with adds on every table.)
5) My son was hit in the head by a foul ball line drive while sitting in the dugout at one of his baseball games.
Ambulance ride to the Trauma Center at Atlanta Medical Center (Conyers to Atlanta in 14min at 95mph) $932.00
Trauma Center Fee $3298.00
CT Brain Scan $ $150.00
Called his Mom (My former wife) to get her insurance card number because we changed the kids from my insurance to her insurance a few years ago because her insurance plan at her job was much better. Then being told that her rates went way up in January and she dropped the kids from her plan."I thought I told you" she says.
Doctor telling me that the scan looks good and he will be ok after a while. PRICELESS