Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tonight's Wedding

Just a few photos from tonight's wedding 
because I can not sleep.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Hand Coloring Black and White Photos

These 2 photos are from a student of mine who is taking my Basic Photography and Basic Photoshop Elements Class.  She was also in the Macro Photography Class 2 weeks ago.  Anyway, she also took my Hand Coloring Black and White Photos class and just sent me her first work of art.  The original photo is of a back alley behind some row houses in England where she grew up.  I think she did quite well.
I will be doing another Hand Coloring Class this summer.  If you are not on my class mailing list but would like to be, just send me an e mail and I will put you on it.  No Spam just Class info will be sent.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sober and On Time

You know that has to be what she told him.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Macro Photography Class

These images are from some of the students  who took my Macro Photography Class last Sunday.
The photos were taken in the gardens at Hazlehurst House in McDonough
I think they did very well.

We will do this class again very soon.  Call 770-355-9644or e mail me at  to get on the class email list !

Monday, April 09, 2012