Monday, January 09, 2006

My E Mail Has Been Hacked

If anyone sent me an e mail on Saturday or Sunday , I may not have received it. And even worse, if you got a reply from me that was in some way vulgar or just plain stupid, it was not really from me. Some JACKASS has figured out my e mail password and has been deleting and in some cases replying to e mail that was sent to me.
While I was in the hospital with and while recovering from minor shoulder surgery, I changed my password to something easy for all of my employees to remember so they could access my e mail and could reply for me. Like an idiot I made the password one of our office phone numbers. (It has of course been changed.)
I know it was not an employee, as I tracked the code inside the email with the help of my good long time friend "Skippy" who is the ultimate hacker. Now "Skippy" is not his real name, but if you know me you know that I never call anyone that I am close to by their real mama given name.
Everyone has a nickname that I come up with when I meet them. Skippy was and still is the ultimate computer geek. He does not look the part. He could be a stunt double for Nicholas Cage. His wife is an undercover police officer that is on a special task force in metro Atlanta that roots out internet porn child molesters and sickos. I just love her so much. She does not have a nickname because if I picked one that she did not like, she would most likely just kick my butt.

Anyway, Mr Hacker, I know who you are. At this time my philosophy says to "Turn the other cheek" but if you do it again, it will not be my cheek that you will be seeing.

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