Thursday, July 06, 2006

This Mornings RUSH Job

At Midnight last night, Scott Holloway who is a photographer in Greenville SC calls me up and says. "Hey Scott, I shot this photo of a hotel and then I shot some photos of the fireworks on the 4th of July and I need to put them all together and I need it at 10 am." It took until 1:30 am to download the photos because of a computer problem on his end so after downloading I went to bed. I knew I could do this in about 20 minutes. At 8am I was on it and after trying to upload this monster sized file back to him for an hour it finally went threw and made the deadline for a local Greenville, SC magazine. The photo at top is the finished job. The photos below are what he sent me. Total time 3 hours with 2 and 1/2 of that being internet problems.

Baseball game tonight. Tomorrow is on to Durham, NC for a 3 day wedding. I will post stuff from Durham.

1 comment:

David said...

That is SO cheating! Great image, though!